Wednesday, June 3, 2009

bee arr bee.

Hi guys,

Another quick note. I'm really sorry, but I think I need a little more time to get things sorted out and in order. I've had a crazy week at work, and am quite involved in a few other ministries, so will get into shape after this weekend.

Tiffany has already been touching base with one of the Cambodian outreach people, so I should have more information for you guys soon. In the meantime, please be assured that something is happening, and your contribution will be properly accounted for and bear fruit shortly. I might open up a savings account for them to debit accordingly every month or something.

So yeah just a friendly heads up for you guys that no, we have not absconded. Yet...


Sunday, May 31, 2009

epilogues and prologues.

Hi guys,

There's alot that needs to be said, and time needed to make this thank you message a great one. But there's also alot for the rest of us here to clean up and rest & recover from, and therefore please give me some time to get my side organized.

But this message is just to inform you that in one night we've made a child's life possible. That we've inspired potential and dreams, and all it took was for each and every one of us to commit to an unselfish act. This party, and this new child, has only been made possible because of each and every one of your efforts. And I thank you for that.

So, please know that we did not abscond with anything. Some of you have left your prizes behind, so please remember to collect them. Some of you will be remembering to follow up any amount that you've pledged to put in, yes?

But yeah, we actually did it guys. We've gathered AUD $1000, which is gonna be two years worth of sponsorship! Will post up more details soon.

Watch this space after Wednesday for more updates.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

update for garage sale

Alright guys just a quick brief on the garage sale:

- It's gonna be a mini-garage sale
- No, no one's actually selling their garage. It's just gonna take place in one
- Please feel free to bring along any items that can be sold (preferrably not clothes or old misc items that nobody would probably buy)
- All proceeds will go towards the Children at Risk fund to sponsor a child
- This will work on an honor system: meaning you get to stick a sticker on the item saying how much you wish to sell it for. The buyer will then put that amount into the funds
- It's all about compassion, guys

Please feel free to contact me regarding the garage sale if you're unclear yeah?

Hope to see you guys soon!

children at risk sponsorship.

Hi guys, if you'll like to find out abit more information about the sponsorship for the child (just to prove that it's authentic and we aren't trying to con you guys..), here's the link as helpfully supplied by Taffy:

We will be committing to the full 3 years duration for the sponsorship of one child. In terms of the target from the Chaiwalla party, we are looking at meeting at least one year, which is USD $360, which works out to be about AUD $500.

Now it's a tall target, but we're just gonna go by faith, and I'll probably top up the remainder with anyone else who would like to really give beyond what they can. We might host another party in the next two years to continue this project and funding for the continuing two years.

This is the first time that we've done anything like this, so if you would like to help out, please feel free to help us in any capacity that you can. If you have a heart to make a difference, please contribute whatever you wish to. Otherwise, just enjoy the party!

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Chaiwalla Party Q&A.

Your Q&A guide to the party:

(pictured: not actual child)

Q: What's happening at the party?
A: There'll be a garage sale, games, catered food (Indian!), and a movie. And of course, lots of fantastic company.

Q: Garage sale?
A: Yes. Please feel free to bring along any old items that you have no use for. Preferably items which have some form of sellable value (people will probably not buy old cassette tapes...). All sales will contribute towards the overall fund. All leftover items can be either taken back or donated to the Salvos.

Q: So why the party?
A: A group of us got together and had this vision: what if we could all get together and make a difference for a kid? And so The Chaiwalla Party was born. Partly hitching off the recent Slumdog Millionaire idea, as well as a desire to do something for children in poverty.

We're aiming to raise enough for a child for three full years (more details soon). It's about everyone getting together to chill and hang out and mingle, and in the meantime, for everyone to get an opportunity to sow into a child's future.

Q: Is there a dress code?
A: Not really. You can dress up in Bollywood theme, or just casual. Please note there is a strictly no formal policy.

Q: Should I bring anything?
A: Yes. Bring yourself, as well as as much as you'd like to contribute towards the sponsorship fund. Any contribution of any amount will be more than welcomed. Remember, you get to be part of an exciting project to change a kid's life. That's right, you get to make a difference.

Q: Do I need to RSVP?
A: Yes please. That way we can estimate how much food to cater for.

Q: So what's with the name?
A: You'll figure it out later.

Q: Wow this sounds exciting! Sign me up!
A: Sure thing. Now, just fill in your credit card and personal details here...

Q: Huh?
A: Alright. Message me on Facebook if you have any questions. More details to come soon.